“2020” – the way we so often describe as perfect vision. How ironic then that no one could have foreseen the chaos that would shake the entire planet as Covid-19 rapidly permeated every single aspect of life as we knew it! Financially, it seems nobody was left unaffected by the Pandemic. Many struggled, many barely survived, some succumbed and a lucky few even thrived.
One industry that was particularly hard hit, however, was the events industry. This sector incorporates everyone from chefs and caterers to florists, dressmakers, lighting-sound-and-staging companies, planners, coordinators, ministers and officiants, service staff, photographers and videographers, make-up artists and, you guessed it, musicians. With few (to no events at times!) being able to take place, so many of our friends and colleagues found themselves out of work and in a precarious financial position. That’s why we did not take the limited number of special events we were able to play at for granted. Being paid to do what we love is one thing, but the sheer delight of playing music together as an ensemble and bringing joy to those around us trumps all!
We took advantage of the quieter schedule to revamp our website, record some demo tracks and do a photoshoot! (www.bettyroux.com)
2020 denied us so many basic human rights, not least of all our ability to gather together.
Celebration is an innate aspect of our nature and a way to mark those special rites of passage that make life the wonderous journey that it is. We are overjoyed that gatherings are once again permitted in South Africa and that we can return to making music at special events. How wonderful to see those brides and grooms who had to put their well-laid plans on ice and ride the incredibly uncertain rollercoaster of not knowing when they may at last be able to celebrate their marriage with their loved ones finally tying the knot and partying with their guests like never before!
Here’s to a bright and festive 2021! XXX